What are the Benefits of a HIFU Treatment

October 9, 2019

The Conveniences of a Hifu Facial Techniques Worthing

Hifu facials Worthing are becoming a popular alternative to surgery for many women who want their faces tightened without having to go through surgery. It is a procedure that is especially beneficial to those looking to tighten up the jowl area.

Hifu is most well-known in the medical field for treating tumors, but beauty treatment has become popular in recent years. A number of clinics are turning to treatments like this because people simply do not wish to deal with the downtime associated with an invasive procedure.


before and after results
What are the Benefits of a HIFU Treatment 2

New technology like Hifu Worthing means that people can have beauty treatments like this with minimum disruption to their lives.

What is a Hifu facial?

A Hifu (or “High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) facial is a procedure that uses ultrasound to perform a non-invasive facelift Worthing. The ultrasound waves damage the cells, which may sound like a bad thing, but this encourages the production of collagen.

Many people prefer this to surgery not only because it is not invasive but also because the body is producing its own collagen naturally, which is seen as better for you than having collagen injections. Many people feel that this also means the results of the treatment are more noticeable and last a lot longer than synthetic collagen that is injected into the body.

Who can have the treatment Worthing

Nearly anyone can have a Hifu facial procedure Worthing. The only time when caution is to be exerted is if the person has lesions on their skin that are open or some sort of the previous aversion to ultrasound waves.

Many clinics offer treatment as a quick and painless alternative to having fillers or surgery. The procedure picked up popularity in the UK, but many clinics in Europe now offer the treatment. The treatment is popular with women over 30 but as it is not invasive, younger people can have this without it causing lasting damage.

What are the benefits?

There are a number of reasons people may have a Hifu facial Worthing. The major benefit is that it is non-invasive, and men and women can quickly squeeze in the procedure on their lunch break as there is minimal respite.

Other benefits include:

– reduction of visible wrinkles

– tightening of saggy skin

– lifting of certain areas like the cheeks

– enhancing definition

– smoothing the skin

Where is the best place to get a Hifu treatment Worthing?

Hifu procedures Worthing can be carried out anywhere on the face, but the area people call the “jowls” is where the results are the most noticeable. Many women over 30 may notice that this is an area that tends to get very saggy. Having a Hifu treatment on the jowls area can produce noticeable results after just one treatment. Because the collagen that is produced after the procedure is natural it does not break down as quickly and is noticeable for longer also.

Contact us today to find out more Worthing!